Slanted Jack is the story of Jon Moore, a lone courier and soldier-of-fortune who travels about human space in a small armored spaceship called Lobo. He has nanotechnology implants that allow him to talk to machine AIs, keep him young, and make him a target if his nanotech is discovered.
In this second book, Jon must team up with the untrustworthy Slanted Jack to save the life of a young boy from Jon’s home planet. He must outwit gangsters, a religious cult, and a small interstellar government all of which want the boy for their own purposes. All three groups also have a personal grudge against Slanted Jack.
The book has all the elements of a good science fiction yarn. There is intrigue, a final battle, and a well thought out universe. If there were anything lacking in this book, it would be the somewhat predictable ending, but it is a good read anyway.
If you want to know how this combination of events will work out, I encourage you to grab a copy of Slanted Jack by Mark L. Van Name. Even though this is book two of the series, you can read this without reading the first book.
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